The Radio Amateur Examination Course and Morse Code Test by MARL

The Malta Amateur Radio League offers courses in preperation for The Amateur Radio Examination (RAE) needed to obtain a Class 2 licence, and Morse Code needed to uprage to a Class 1 licence.

RAE lessons are given by Dominic 9H1M, Fortunato 9H1ES, Roger 9H1UG every Tuesday at the club premises from 18:00 to 20:00.

Morse code lessons by Ivan 9H1PI every Tuesday at the club premises from 18:00 to 20:00.


The course dates are as follows:

October to July in preperation for the Augist session of the examinations. ( email us for further info )

Books Needed:
Radio Amateur's Examination Manual
by John Case, GW4HWR and Hilary Claytonsmith, G4JKS

The RSGB’s RAE Manual is recognised as the standard textbook for courses leading up to the Radio Amateurs Examination. It is presented in an easily understandable format and takes the candidate step by step through the syllabus topics.

ISBN: 1-872309-45-3.

Application Form for RAE Click Here

RAE Lesson by 9H1AQ


Morse Code Lesson by 9H1JT