Copyright Information

The project material contained on this site and in the downloadable files is ©2001-2004 Amateur Radio Courses, all rights reserved, except as detailed below, and as permitted under the "Copyright, Designs and Patents Act" of 1988. This copyright notice should be interpreted with reference to English and UK law. All enquiries in relation to usage, reproduction and distribution should be addressed to the group.

The material contained on this site and in the downloadable files is for educational purposes only. Permission is hereby granted for its use and installation on a single-user computer system. Permission is also granted for it's installation on a network contained and accessible only from within any non-commercial educational establishment. If installed on such a network, it is incumbent on the network administrator to ensure that it cannot be accessed from outside the physical boundaries of the establishment.

The 'Amateur Radio Courses' on Compact Disc may be freely duplicated and distributed provided that the following conditions are met

Distribution other than in accordance with the above conditions requires the written authorisation of the group, as does any and all modification, amendment, translation to other forms or languages.

Not withstanding the above, permission is hereby given for the following specified organisations to distribute the CD at a charge of £1 sterling. It has been calculated that the cost of a blank CD-R plus sleeve should be no more than about £0.50 sterling. This would leave £0.50 sterling per copy distributed for donation to that organisation's funds. The transfer of these surplus funds to another organisation is forbidden.

The only organisations permitted to do this are

All other organisations, or those wishing to vary the charged price, must first seek the permission of  "Amateur Radio Courses"

Much of the information contained within this document is copyright of the various organisations who allowed our reproduction of it. Violation of the conditions herein represents violation of these organisations copyright also. Copyright violation will be pursued to the full extent of the law.

Due acknowledgement is given to copyright owners of any information used in this project.

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