Foundation Licence

Record of Achievement

As you progress through your training you will have the various sections of the syllabus signed off by your tutors. By the time you have finished the training part of the course, you are almost done. The course ends with a short 20 question exam of the multiple choice type. The exam is fairly easy, and its purpose is merely to validate that you have been paying attention during the course.

The Exam

As mentioned above, it consists of 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has four possible answers, you must select the correct one of four. You indicate your selected answer by placing a vertical line between the square brackets [ ] beside that answer. For example

Q. One of the effects of operating a radio transmitter is that

A [  ] the electricity bill might be reduced

B [  ] the RSGB membership fees are higher

C [  ] local rainfall is increased

D [  ] interference may be caused to nearby televisions.

We would, of course, enter a vertical line at answer "D".

If you do come across a question you cannot answer, it is best to move on and come back to it at the end.

Once the exam is completed and marked, you will be given a result slip. Do not worry if you have failed, you do get another chance. Take the time to discuss your errors with your tutor before re-sitting the exam. Note that the re-sit will be a different exam paper to the one you took the first time. A sample examination in PDF format may be found here.

Get Your Licence

You will need to send your results slip and morse assessment pass slip to the Radio Licensing Centre together with your licence application and fee. You can select the callsign of your choice, however your first choice may already have been issued, so it is worthwhile indicating second and third choices on the application form. In due course you will receive your validation document and take to the air for the first time as a licenced radio amateur.

A Foundation Licence application form (RA395) can be found here, it should be printed out before being filled in and sent to the Radio Licensing Centre at the address shown on the form.


Sample examination paper and licence application form ©Crown copyright Radiocommunications Agency



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