Section 2 - Licensing Conditions

2.6 Broadcasting is Not Permitted

From BR68F

1(5) The Licencee may send messages to individual amateurs but shall not send messages (whether directly or for onward transmission by another station) for general reception by licenced amateurs other than:

  1. initial calls; or

  2. to groups of licenced amateurs as long as communication is first established separately with at least one licenced amateur in any such group; or

  3. to licenced amateurs who participate within a net and subject to the identification requirements provided for in sub-clause 7(1A) below; or

  4. messages transmitted via a mailbox or bulletin board for reception by all or any licenced amateurs who have the facility to transmit and receive RTTY or data transmissions.

Amateurs must send messages to someone specific. They are not allowed to send a transmission aimed at everyone. You must establish contact first, then send your messages addressed to them only. Anything else would be regarded as broadcasting. The one exception to this is the initial or 'CQ' call which is by its very nature aimed at everyone listening.

You may transmit messages directed at a whole group as long as you have already made contact with someone in that group. A good example of this would be found on any of the many nets to be found on the HF bands. Please ensure that you understand this section full as it is a popular section for assessment questions. Ask your tutor to fully clarify any points on which you are the least bit unsure.

2.7 No Transmission of Music

1(6) The Licencee shall not transmit such material as music, public broadcasts or speeches.

This is self-explanatory. Our amateur radio licences are for communication, not to set up an alternative local radio station. Also, the transmissions mentioned above if from a recording would likely violate the original author's or publisher's copyright.

2.8 Only You May Use the Station

2(4) The Station shall be operated only by the Licencee personally.

As a Foundation Licence holder you are a regarded as a beginner in the world of amateur radio. You do not have the necessary experience to adequately supervise another person operating your equipment. If another licenced person wishes to operate your equipment he may do so by using his own callsign. He will operate the equipment under the conditions of his own class of licence and keep his own log of station activity just as if he was using his own equipment at a temporary alternative location.

2.9 Notify Changes of Address

1(9) The Licencee shall give prior written notice to the Secretary of State at the address specified in note (a) to this Booklet of any change in the Main Station Address (or mailing address, if different).

As has been previously mentioned, there may be times when a radio amateur's transmissions cause problems to other users of the radio spectrum. It is important that the authorities know from where any such transmissions originate so they can quickly identify the source of any problem or contact the licencee if needed.


Extracts from the syllabus and BR68F ©Crown copyright Radiocommunications Agency


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