Introduction to the Foundation Licence


Launched in January 2002, the Foundation Licence is the entry level qualification for amateur radio in the UK. It provides a simple entry into the hobby of amateur radio, and consists of a short course usually taking place on two consecutive days.

The course is rather more vocational than academic in nature - lots of "learning by doing". You will learn just what is needed to operate your amateur radio station safely, competently (without causing difficulties to others) and effectively. The topics covered will include such things as how to choose what type of antenna (aerial) to use, how to correctly wire a mains plug, how to track down and cure common interference problems and explain some of the jargon associated with this hobby.

Courses are run by many organisations. Chiefly by amateur radio clubs, scout/guide groups and sea/air/army cadet force groups. Many schools also run courses as it achieves many of the aims of the technology based areas of national curriculum.

On completion of the course you will be issued with a pass certificate that qualifies you to apply for a Foundation Amateur Radio Licence. This allows you to use most of the amateur radio bands at a relatively low power output using commercial equipment. The bands and power levels permitted are detailed in the regulations booklet BR68(F) referred to on the front page of this course. You may wish to progress to an Intermediate or Full licence in order to gain access to higher output powers and the other amateur bands.

From 2004, it will be necessary to attain each qualification level sequentially. You will be required to hold a pass at Foundation Licence level before being permitted to take an Intermediate Licence course, and similarly you will have to hold a pass at Intermediate Licence level before embarking on a Full Licence course. Until then you may choose to enter at Full Licence level by sitting the City & Guilds Radio Amateur's Examination (RAE).

This course should allow the student to become familiar with the likely course material. The course is laid out to follow the syllabus sequentially. In addition many links are provided to areas on the internet containing extra information that the candidate may find interesting. In some areas information is provided over and above the level of detail required for the Foundation Licence course. In such cases it is clearly indicated as such.

The course material is referenced to the Foundation Licence syllabus referred to on  the front page of this course where appropriate The title of the section will include the numerical reference for the appropriate sub-section of the syllabus, for example;

2.1 Syllabus section or subsection title

Explanatory text

The syllabus shown on the next page will provide the revising candidate with a quick method of navigating the course. All sections of the syllabus are hyper-linked to the appropriate text within the course.



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