Practise multiple-choice questions

Sample examination 2, paper 1

Licensing conditions, transmitter interference and electromagnetic compatibility


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1. Which of the following is not defined as a user service:

(a) fire brigade

(b) British Telecom

(c) County Emergency Planning Officer

(d) St John Ambulance Service


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2. An Amateur Licence A requires:

(a) a pass in the RAE and the morse test

(b) a pass in the RAE only

(c) a pass in the morse test only

(d) to have held a Class B licence previously


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3. The nationality requirement for holding an amateur licence in the UK is:

(a) British

(b) British and Commonwealth

(c) European

(d) not specified


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4. As well as amateur frequency transmissions, the licence allows reception of:

(a) diplomatic messages

(b) standard frequency transmissions

(c) news agency transmissions

(d) Police transmissions


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5. Which of the following occurrences need not be entered into the station log?

(a) tests for interference

(b) station used by licensed operator other than licensee

(c) station operated at temporary location

(d) station temporarily dismantled


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6. The callsign prefix GD should always be used whenever the station is being operated from:

(a) Scotland

(b) Isle of Man

(c) Isle of Dogs

(d) Guernsey


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7. An English station while cycling in Wales should use the callsign:

(a) G6xxx/P

(b) G6xxx/GW/M

(c) GW6xxx/M

(d) GW6xxx/P


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8. The 10 metre band lies between:

(a) 28.0-28.7MHz

(b) 28.7-29.0MHz

(c) 28.0-29.0MHz

(d) 28.0-29.7MHz


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9. The licence requires that the purity of the transmitter output should be checked:

(a) weekly

(b) from time to time

(c) daily

(d) never


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10. In the UK, a licensee may receive messages from an overseas amateur on a frequency band not specified in the first column of the schedule as long as the licensee:

(a) transmits only in a band specified in the schedule

(b) obtains a permit from the Licensing Authority

(c) holds a reciprocal licence from that country

(d) informs the RSGB


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11. Time in the log book must always be in:

(a) local time

(b) UTC

(c) BST

(d) UTC + 1 hour


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12. When the station is used from a temporary location and the Radio Investigation Service not informed, the location must be:

(a) given at least every five minutes

(b) sent in CW only

(c) given within 0.5km

(d) given within 5km


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13. When using phonetics the licence document specifies that the phonetic alphabet:

(a) should be used

(b) is not necessary

(c) is mandatory

(d) must not be used


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14. The amateur licence can be revoked by a broadcast by:

(a) the BBC

(b) the IBA

(c) the RSGB

(d) the amateur


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15. Codes and abbreviations may be used by the licensee as long as:

(a) they are specified only by the RSGB

(b) they are in secret cypher

(c) they do not obscure the meaning of the communication

(d) Q-codes only are used


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16. Over-modulation of an AM signal is likely to cause:

(a) excessive deviation

(b) 10 sidebands

(c) minimum interference

(d) severe splatter on adjacent frequencies


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17. Power supplies to RF power amplifiers should:

(a) be open wires

(b) be AF filtered

(c) be RF filtered

(d) be inductively coupled


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18. If an L-C oscillator is used to generate directly a signal at 14.05MHz for a CW transmitter and it drifts by -1% it will:

(a) stay within the designated band

(b) go above the top band edge

(c) go below the bottom band edge

(d) be rejected


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19. To check the calibration of a transceiver with a VFO at the band edges, the minimum equipment needed is:

(a) a dip meter

(b) a crystal-controlled digital frequency counter

(c) an absorption wavemeter

(d) an oscilloscope


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20. Parasitic oscillations can cause interference. They are:

(a) of very low frequency

(b) always twice the operating frequency

(c) high in frequency but not related to the operating frequency

(d) always three times the operating frequency


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21. Any non-linear device will produce:

(a) mixing products

(b) amplification

(c) filtering

(d) key-clicks


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22. To minimise unwanted radiation of sub-harmonics and harmonics, a VHF transmitter should be followed by:

(a) a low-pass filter

(b) a bandpass filter

(c) a high-pass filter

(d) a notch filter


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23. A domestic receiver, having an IF of 455kHz and receiving a signal on 945kHz, experiences strong breakthrough from someone on the 160m band. This could be caused by second-channel interference of:

(a) 1.810MHz

(b) 1.825MHz

(c) 1.835MHz

(d) 1.855MHz


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24. Which of the following filter characteristics represents a filter for following an all-band HF transceiver?


(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D


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25. Spurious resonances may occur in decoupling circuits. This is due to:

(a) the power supply

(b) self-resonance of RF chokes

(c) saturation of the core of RF chokes

(d) the resistive element of an RF choke


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26. If the coil in a VFO has no former, then vibrations:

(a) will keep the frequency generated in the band

(b) may take the frequency generated out of band

(c) will provide a clean signal

(d) are beneficial


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27. So as not to cause unnecessary sideband splatter the percentage modulation of an AM signal must be kept below:

(a) 25%

(b) 50%

(c) 75%

(d) 100%


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28. The minimum equipment to check for harmonic radiation from a transmitter is:

(a) a digital frequency counter

(b) an absorption wavemeter

(c) a multimeter

(d) an oscilloscope


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29. An ammeter in the PA stage of a transmitter shows slight fluctuations when the transmitter is not being keyed. This possibly indicates:

(a) the presence of parasitic oscillations

(b) good biasing arrangement

(c) the reception of an interfering signal

(d) electromagnetism


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30. The station shall be constructed and maintained so as:

(a) not to cause any undue interference

(b) to cause interference with wireless telegraphy

(c) to cause interference to televisions only

(d) to produce spurious and harmonic radiations


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31. The type of interference caused by a transmitter can be classified as:

(a) broad-band interference

(b) narrow-band interference

(c) pseudo-random interference

(d) white noise


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32. The fifth harmonic of a 145MHz transmission lies in:

(a) a Police band

(b) an FM radio broadcast band

(c) a UHF TV band

(d) the microwave region


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33. A 435MHz high-gain transmitting antenna points right at a UHF TV receiving antenna. This could cause:

(a) problems with the 435MHz receiver

(b) overloading of the TV front-end

(c) self-oscillation of the 435MHz transmitter

(d) melting of the TV antenna elements


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34. Pick-up in the IF stage of a TV set usually results in:

(a) problems with the picture

(b) poor power supply regulation

(c) random channel changing

(d) no audio output


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35. If the mains earth is used as an RF earth, this could be prone to causing:

(a) mains hum

(b) mains-borne interference

(c) parasitic oscillations

(d) self-oscillation


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36. Capacitors used for bypassing at RF should be:

(a) electrolytic

(b) paper

(c) polycarbonate

(d) ceramic


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37. Which of the following would be useful in rejecting an unwanted signal at the input of a receiver?


(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D


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38. A braid-breaking choke in a TV antenna downlead will block:

(a) all AC signals

(b) out-of-phase interfering signals

(c) in-phase interfering signals

(d) mains hum


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39. A corroded connector on a neighbour's TV receiving antenna may cause:

(a) unwanted mixing products due to it exhibiting diode properties

(b) mains rectification

(c) enhanced signal reception due to its filtering properties

(d) increased amplification


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40. A radio transmitting system has an ERP of 225W. At what distance away is the field strength 0.5V/m?

(a) 0.21m

(b) 2.1m

(c) 21m

(d) 210m


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41. To minimise RF going back into the mains, which of the following could be fitted in the mains input of a piece of equipment?


(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D


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42. If an antenna runs close and parallel to an overhead 240V power line, there may be the possibility of:

(a) harmonic generation

(b) 50Hz modulation on all signals

(c) producing mains-borne interference

(d) cheap power


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43. A transmitter is connected by a very short coaxial cable to a 6dB collinear antenna. When the output power to the antenna is reduced to 5W no more interference is caused to a neighbour's hi-fi system. This corresponds to an effective radiated power of:

(a) 1W

(b) 10W

(c) 11W

(d) 20W


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44. The best place for an HF beam to minimise interference for an amateur living in a semi-detached house is:

(a) on the joint chimney stack in the centre of the house

(b) overhanging next door's roof space

(c) as high and far away as possible

(d) as low and far away as possible


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45. A neighbour complains of breakthrough to their television but says it goes when they disconnect the antenna. This also coincides with your transmission times. As a first step:

(a) try a mains filter

(b) suggest they use a set-top antenna

(c) try a filter in the TV downlead

(d) renew the antenna cable


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