
Explanation of question 1

List I contains four qualities of a receiver. List II contains an explanation of these qualities.

List I List II
A Selectivity 1 The stability of the oscillator
B Sensitivity 2 The ability to accept one signal and reject bordering signals
C Frequency stability 3 The frequency range beyond which the output falls below 0.707 of the maximum
D Bandwidth 4 The ability to receive a feeble signal

The correct match between the two lists is

  1. A1, B2, C3, D4
  2. A2, B3, C1, D4
  3. A2, B4, C1, D3
  4. A4, B2, C1, D3

The answer is :- 3 Selectivity is the ability of a receiver to select one signal from amongst other signals which are very close.

Sensitivity is the ability to detect very weak signals. Because signals range from weak to strong, the sensitivity on most receivers can be altered.

Frequency stability refers to the oscillator, which should not drift from its set frequency.

To have high selectivity implies having a narrow bandwidth. Bandwidth is defined as that frequency range beyond which the output falls below 0.707 of the maximum.

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