
Providing FREE interactive radio license courses for download

This project came about as a result of our concerns that opportunities to attend the RAE course were diminishing rapidly, and to also address the problems of those living away from centres of population in the UK, for whom the attendance of a traditional college course may prove impractical. The project was put together as an entirely voluntary effort, by the members freely giving up their spare time to contribute. This CD-ROM is intended to take the student with absolutely no prior knowledge, through to the point of being fully prepared to sit the relevant examination. This entire project has been made available for your use by the enthusiasm, skill and hard work of a number radio amateurs giving up their leisure time. The work has taken several long months of effort, and it is hoped that these free and easily accessible courses will help encourage many more to enter the hobby. We all wish you every success with both this course, and the eventual examination.

We are a diverse group of amateurs. In fact, the only thing we have in common with one and other is the desire to further amateur radio within the UK. Most of us have never even met. Amongst our number are web-professionals, electronic engineers, experienced radio amateurs and complete novices. Most of the group had little or no web authoring experience before embarking on this project, but thanks to the guidance of the more experienced (and modern easy to use software) we all been able to learn and contribute. All the groups business is done via the internet, utilising the Yahoo groups system and email.

The membership of the project varies over time as people come and go. We always welcome new members. Some of the members write pages, some specialise in graphics. Some provide proof-reading and some assist in organisation. With no physical contact between us, organisational skills are always needed to ensure that reported bugs are promptly addressed, and longer-term issues are not forgotten.

If you want to join our group, please send one of us an email, see the contacts page. If you do not want to join, but wish to submit an article or photograph for inclusion, then please email one of us. We always welcome articles, projects, alternative ways of explaining things and photographs. We are particularly looking for photographs of amateur radio in action, rallies, club nights, special events etc.. We also need photographs of equipment, antennas and especially test equipment to help us illustrate the course.

Before submitting any potential content you should satisfy yourself that you are happy with our distribution and duplication conditions, and that no restrictions exist on that material which would be breached by its inclusion.


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