Known Issues

Autostart program.

In case of difficulty the program can be started by manually opening "start.exe" in the root directory of the CD. Windows users should right-click the drive and choose "Explore".


This site make extensive use of JavaScript, this may cause users some problems when using the CDROM off-line. See configuration information below.

Version History

18 January 2002 Version 1.00

1st Posting of download for general testing


19 January 2002 Version 1.10

Fixed 'fphover' java applet not found

Fixed "File not found" error on contacts page link from TTRAE

Added CD auto-start program

Corrections to TTRAE


20 January 2002 Version 1.20

New auto-start program works with Windows XP

Configuration guide added

Installation instructions added

Version history added

Downloads moved to new mirror site


9 February 2002 Version 1.30

Minor text edits to main pages

Add foundation license course to download

Grant permission to certain groups to charge for CD copy


14 July 2002 Version 1.40

Revision section (TTRAE) redone. This had become corrupted at some time.

Remove much of the JavaScript from the main pages. This is so that users with Java disabled can still get the basic course to run. Problems have been reported, particularly from educational establishments. There is still some use of JavaScript on the site, but it is limited to those pages regarded as embellishments to the basic work.

Because of the scope of this update, a new CD download file has been released, but there will be no file to enable an upgrade from the previous version.


14 April 2003 Version 2.00

Many typographical errors corrected

Foundation License Course completely rewritten

Adopt HTML 4.0 Transitional and CSS 1.0 for new pages

Begin the "Projects etc" section


27 January 2004 Version 2.10

Many typographical errors corrected

Revise and tidy directory and file-naming structures to make future work easier

Purge unused and redundant files

Convert most existing pages to HTML 4.0 Transitional and CSS 1.0


Configuration Information

This site has been extensively tested using the following 

Operating Systems -  Windows NT4,95/98/ME/XP, RedHat Linux 5.1 (with KDE 2.0 desktop), Mac OS 9, FreeBSD 4.3 and BeOS

Hardware -  PC's using Intel, AMD and Cyrix processors, Apple iMac, Various laptops.

Browsers - Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera

While the site is workable on all the hardware tested, the myriad of possible configurations precludes fully guaranteeing that it will work on your system. Most problems appear on laptops, where to save disk space, certain system components may have been omitted at installation. The authors regret that support can only be provided for Windows and iMac configurations. Because of the modifiable nature of the BSD and Linux kernels it is almost impossible to exactly replicate a customer's configuration. Be, the makers of BeOS have sold all intellectual properties to Palm Inc. who have announced that development of the operating system and support have ceased, there are however still many third part support sites on the internet. Windows NT users should ensure that they have the latest service pack installed.

This site makes use of several Java applets. This may cause some problems when using machines where Java is not enabled. Below is a guide to enabling Java on the three main browsers in use today.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

1. Select 'Internet Options' from the 'Tools' menu at the top of the screen

2. Click the tab marked 'Advanced'

3. Scroll down the list until you reach the section marked 'Java'

4. Ensure that the 'JIT compiler' tag is selected

To use this resource off-line, some Windows PC's may require installation of the Microsoft Virtual Machine (about 4Mb). Users of Windows XP may find that a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is not available for them from Microsoft. If this is the case, or you want to use a non-Microsoft JVM, click here for a link to Sun Microsystems' Java site

Because of the use of Dynamic HTML some pages may not display correctly when using versions prior to V4.0.

Netscape Navigator

1. Select 'Preferences' from the 'Edit' menu at the top of the screen

2. Select the category 'Advanced'

3. Ensure that the 'Automatically Load Images', 'Enable Java', and 'Enable JavaScript' options are all selected.

Click here to visit Netscape's help pages for further support and information


1. Select 'Preferences' from the 'File' menu at the top of the screen

2. Scroll down the list until you reach the section 'Fonts and Colours'

3. Select the sub-section 'Multimedia'

4. Ensure that the 'Enable Java' and 'Enable Plug-ins' options are selected

Click here to visit Opera's website for the latest Java plug-in


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