Festa Citru 2025
The Malta Amateur Radio League was invited to attend Festa Citru 2025. The event on Sunday 12th January was a success. A very nice number of visitors visited the festa and our exhibition of a live working station and a collection of vintage military and civilian radios attracted a lot of interest. It was an honour and privilege for the Malta Amateur Radio League to have our exhibition visited by H.E. President of Malta Myriam Spiteri Debono. A highlight of the day was H.E. President able to put a few words on the air as part of one of our QSOs.
We would like to thank H.E. President and The Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation for having us participate at Festa Citru 2025. Thanks also goes to all who visited and helped out at the festa, Fortunato 9H1ES with his impeccable radio collection, Manuel 9H1GW, Anthony 9H2AS, Andrew 9H2AV, Ezechiel 9H2EZ, Joe 9H1VW, Joe 9H1JL and Roger 9H1UG.
Photo Credits: Photo numbers 1 to 11 ‘OPR’