9H6HE Special Event Callsign
The Malta Amateur Radio League organised a special event callsign to celebrate the swearing in of Dr. Myriam Spiteri Debono as Malta’s 11th President starting from the 15th April to the 31st May, 2024. Operating daily, mainly evenings from around 1600 UTC, from our radio club station at Attard, on the 10, 15, 20 and 40 meter bands. 9H6HE has produced 2000 QSOs from 73 countries. We would like to take the opportunity to thank all our operators for their time and dedication – Andrew 9H2AV, Emmanuel 9H1GW, Ezechiel 9H2EZ, Michael 9H5DX, Mario 9H1KR, Fortunato 9H1ES, Dr Mark 9H2MX, Andreas 9H2LA, Daniel 9H2DG, Lee (SWL), Joseph (SWL) and Florent F5CWU. Thanks also goes to all ham radio operators that answered our CQs
QRZ link – https://www.qrz.com/db/9H6HE