Section 8 - Operating Practices & Procedures

8.7 - 8.8 Operating a VHF Station

The Transceiver

an alinco dr135 2m mobile radioHere we can se a typical mobile VHF transceiver from Alinco.  This particular radio has in built TNC and a data port on the front for GPS data input. It covers the 2m amateur band (144-146 MHz) with a maximum power output of 50W. Radios such as this are often used as base station radios with an external 13.8V power supply. Radios such as these are capable of a myriad of functions such as band scanning and memories. Repeater shift is selected automatically when the radio is tuned to the appropriate section of the band.

The Transceiver's Controls

an alinco djv5 dual band handyMost modern radios such as that shown above, and the handheld transmitter to the right, make extensive use of microprocessor control. Because these radios are primarily designed for use while on the move, only the very basic controls are available on the front panel.

Volume, squelch and tuning controls, as well as repeater access tone and power level by push buttons, are presented on the front panel. All the other settings are accessed through a series of menus. Squelch should be set so that the loudspeaker is off when no signal is present. Turn the squelch fully off, tune to an empty frequency and then advance the squelch control gradually until the loudspeaker just switches off.

LCD S-Meter Displays

Radios such as those pictured now tend to use LCD bar graph displays instead of meters to display received signal strength. The principle is still the same, the S-meter reading is the point on the scale to which the bar on the display extends as in the two examples below.

lcd bar graph S meter showing S5

lcd bar graph S meter showing S9+

Signal Strength = S5

Signal Strength = S9+


8.11 Making a Contact

As part of your assessment you will be required to make a simple simplex contact, demonstrating correct use of VFO (tuning control), volume and squelch as well as exchanging signal reports with your contact. As part of the exercise you will make a call on the simplex calling channel. Remember to move away from the calling channel when contact is established.



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