Practise multiple-choice questions

This appendix contains two pairs of two sample question papers in the standard City & Guilds multiple-choice style, as four pages. These sample items illustrate the kind of question to be expected in the examination. They are closely representative of the scope of the examination, but not exactly so as they were not originated by City and Guilds of London Institute.

Unlike the modern single 80 question RAE exam, these are split into the older examination format of two separate papers of the two exams taken at the same sitting. The first paper in each pair contains 45 questions and the second one 55 questions. You should allow yourself respectively 75 minutes for the 45 questions for paper 1, and 90 minutes for the 55 questions in paper 2. There was usually a break of 15 minutes between parts 1 and 2. The use of a basic (non-scientific) calculator and a copy of document BR(68) is allowed during the exam.

Despite the older format of two separate exam papers instead of the modern single paper exam, we hope you find these sample questions to be of use to you.


Sample examination 1, Paper 1

Licensing conditions, transmitter interference and electromagnetic compatibility


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1. If the licence is revoked, the Validation Document shall be:

(a) destroyed

(b) surrendered to the Secretary of State

(c) returned to the local post office

(d) returned to the RSGB


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2. The Class B licence does not authorise the use of frequencies for transmitting:.

(a) above 144MHz

(b) above 430MHz

(c) in the microwave range

(d) below 30MHz


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3. The callsign GW4xxx is issued to:.

(a) a Class A licensee living in Wales

(b) a Class B licensee living in Wales

(c) a Class A licensee living in Winchester

(d) a Class A licensee living in Scotland


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4. The licence also authorises the licensee to operate in any country:.

(a) in the world

(b) within the Commonwealth

(c) which has implemented the appropriate CEPT recommendation

(d) in Europe


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5. Which of the following represents a valid log?

(a) a loose-leaf book

(b) a non-loose-leaf book

(c) a magnetic disc containing propagation and RTTY programs

(d) a magnetic tape which also includes games programs


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6. Providing the licence fee is paid (when appropriate), an amateur licence:.

(a) is in force from year to year unless revoked

(b) is valid for six months

(c) is valid for five years

(d) none of these


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7. Operation from which of the following is not permissible under the licence conditions?

(a) a private yacht on Loch Lomond

(b) a private yacht between Liverpool and Northern Ireland

(c) a helicopter above the Channel Isles

(d) the inter-island ferry in the Orkney Islands


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8. A log must be kept for:

(a) mobile operation

(b) pedestrian operation

(c) main station address and all temporary locations

(d) main station address only


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9. Providing notice has been given to the Manager of the Radio Investigation Service office in whose area operation is to take place, the suffix to be used at the temporary location is:

(a) /M

(b) /MM

(c) /P

(d) not required


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10. The transmission defined as RTTY shall encompass:

(a) only ASCII transmissions

(b) only binary-coded decimal encoding

(c) AMTOR only

(d) radio teletype and AMTOR


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11. Using voice modulation, the nomenclature J3E corresponds to:

(a) SSB with full carrier

(b) SSB with suppressed carrier

(c) FM using voice modulation

(d) a CW transmission


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12. It is an offence to send by wireless telegraphy:

(a) certain misleading messages

(b) severe weather warnings

(c) test transmissions

(d) ASCII code


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13. Which of the following bands are shared with other services?

(a) 3.5-3.8MHz

(b) 7.0-7.1 MHz

(c) 14.0-14.35MHz

(d) 21.0-21.45MHz


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14. If a station is located within 1km of the boundary of an airfield, the height of the antenna system above ground level must not exceed:

(a) 10 metres

(b) 15 metres

(c) 20 metres

(d) 50 metres


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15. What is the peak envelope power allowed on the 432 - 440MHz band?

(a) 15dBW

(b) 26dBW

(c) 28dBW

(d) 40dBW


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16. The licence states that the emitted frequency from the apparatus comprised in the station is as stable and free from unwanted emissions as:

(a) can be provided by resistor networks for amateur radio

(b) only suitable synthesisers can provide

(c) only suitable semiconductors for amateur radio permit

(d) the state of technical development in amateur radio apparatus reasonably permits


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17. The first odd harmonic of 144.69MHz is:

(a) 48.23MHz

(b) 289.69MHz

(c) 434.07MHz

(d) 723.45MHz


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18. If a transmitter is overdriven it is likely to cause:

(a) harmonics

(b) sub-harmonics

(c) a change in the modulation mode

(d) small DC variations


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19. Which of the following might be effective at reducing risk of parasitic oscillations in a low-power VHF output stage?

(a) ferrite beads on the emitter lead of the power device

(b) ferrite beads on the microphone cable

(c) ferrite beads in series with the microphone

(d) ferrite beads on the loudspeaker leads


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20. Interference is experienced on the 144MHz band from some 432MHz crystal-controlled equipment. The basic oscillator is around 12MHz. The most likely multiplication order is:

(a) x 2 x 3 x 3 x 2

(b) x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3

(c) x 3 x 3 x 2 x 2

(d) x 3 x 2 x 3 x 2


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21. To stop unwanted radiations from an oscillator, it should be:

(a) enclosed in a metal box

(b) left unscreened

(c) not be RF decoupled

(d) placed in a paper box


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22. Which of the plots below represents a filter suitable for following a microphone in order to limit the bandwidth?


(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D


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23. Which of the following waveforms is likely to give minimum interference due to key-clicks?


(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D


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24. Chirp is a form of frequency instability. It is caused by:

(a) background noise

(b) over modulation

(c) over-deviation

(d) pulling of an oscillator when keying


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25. To minimise interference on adjacent channels, voice frequencies should be kept below:

(a) 500Hz

(b) 1 kHz

(c) 3kHz

(d) 5kHz


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26. If the frequency stability of a transmitter is poor it may cause:

(a) electric shocks

(b) operation out of band

(c) excessive collector dissipation

(d) excessive power to be drawn from the supply


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27. If the accuracy of a digital readout on a transmitter is 10 parts per million, a frequency shown of 14.250MHz could be as high as:

(a) 14.250001425MHz

(b) 14.25001425MHz

(c) 14.2501425MHz

(d) 14.251425MHz


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28. Which type of mixer keeps unwanted outputs to a minimum?

(a) a balanced mixer

(b) a product detector

(c) single transistor mixers

(d) single diode mixers


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29. The bandwidth of data transmission should be kept to that of telephony, in order to:

(a) help demodulation

(b) conserve bandwidth

(c) reduce transmitter power

(d) reduce self-oscillation


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30. An absorption wavemeter can be used to check for:

(a) over-modulation

(b) receiver overloading

(c) band edge signals

(d) correct selection of a harmonic from a multiplier circuit


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31. The use of indoor transmitting antennas will:

(a) be encouraged

(b) never couple into the mains

(c) have a good chance of coupling into the mains

(d) give more long-distance contacts


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32. A neighbour's hi-fi system is suffering from RF breakthrough. One possible cure would be:

(a) ferrite beads on the transmitter lead

(b) a capacitor across the transmitter lead

(c) screened wire for the loudspeaker leads

(d) open-wire feeder for the transmitter


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33. A neighbour's TV is suffering RF breakthrough when you transmit on the 144MHz band. The TV set has a set-top antenna. There is no problem caused to your TV which receives the same station but uses a 10-element beam on the chimney. A possible cure is:

(a) an external antenna for the neighbour's TV

(b) a set-top antenna for your TV

(c) a preamplifier between the neighbour's set-top antenna and their TV

(d) use of twin feeder for the neighbour's set-top TV antenna


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34. Which of the following is most likely to produce broad band continuous RF breakthrough:

(a) an electric light switch

(b) an incandescent bulb

(c) a microwave transmitter

(d) poor commutation in an electric drill


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35. Before explaining to someone that the cause of RF breakthrough is lack of immunity in their equipment, one should:

(a) make sure that there is no breakthrough on one's own domestic equipment

(b) disconnect all one's own equipment from the mains

(c) write a letter to the DTI

(d) ignore all complaints


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36. When operating a mobile HF set at home from a battery supply using the base antenna, there is no breakthrough problem. When using the same arrangement with an earthed battery charger also connected, breakthrough occurs on an electronic organ. The possible cause is:

(a) the production of sub-harmonics at the transmitter

(b) very strong received signals

(c) poor RF earthing

(d) RF earthing is too good


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37. A transmitter has a power output of 100W. This is connected to an antenna of gain 11dB by a coaxial cable of loss 1dB. The ERP is:

(a) 11W

(b) 111W

(c) 1000W

(d) 2000W


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38. It is found that interfering signals are being induced on the braid of an antenna downlead to a domestic FM radio by a 144MHz transmitter. One possible solution is:

(a) to fit a braid-breaker filter on the FM radio antenna downlead

(b) remove 144MHz transmitter earth connection

(c) to increase 144MHz power output

(d) fit 144MHz transmitter with a low-pass filter


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39. A 432MHz amateur station causes breakthrough to a nearby TV receiver. Which of the following filters could be fitted in the TV downlead in order to minimise the breakthrough problem?


(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D


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40. When making a filter to minimise breakthrough and cutting the coaxial cable to solder to the connecting socket, one should:

(a) cut as much screening braid off as possible

(b) cut as little screening braid off as possible

(c) earth the centre conductor

(d) solder screen and centre conductor together


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41. In considering the equipment and power levels in a densely populated neighbourhood, it might be advisable to:

(a) keep the antenna as low as possible

(b) site the antenna as remotely as possible from neighbours

(c) use maximum ERP possible on 432MHz

(d) always use long wire feeds


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42. If a neighbour complains of breakthrough, one's immediate response should be:

(a) blame the neighbour's equipment

(b) tell them you will do nothing about it

(c) stay polite and get them to help you investigate

(d) to inform the DTI and RSGB


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43. In making decisions on type of feeder for a transmitting antenna, then to minimise the risk of interference:

(a) consider only long wire feeds

(b) use unscreened feeders near the building

(c) use only screened feeders near a building

(d) do not earth any part of the feeders


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44. If the use of filters in a TV downlead fails to cure a breakthrough problem and the transmitter output is clean and the TV is still under guarantee, then:

(a) suggest the complainant returns the TV to the supplier and tell them it lacks immunity and ask for it to be put right

(b) try and cure the problem internally in the TV

(c) try filters in the transmitter output feed

(d) tell the complainant not to use the TV


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45. An amateur radio transmitter/antenna system has an ERP of 100W; the field strength at a distance of 100m in free space is about:

(a) 0.35V/m

(b) 0.7V/m

(c) 3.5V/m

(d) 7.02V/m


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